Why Cleanse To Heal The Body

Cleansing to heal the body is a process. One which takes time, effort and experience. The Hope To Heal cleanse offers step by step guidance but first let’s talk about the body and why it is so important and effective to cleanse and heal.
What is detoxification? Why should we cleanse to heal? What are toxins and where do we acquire toxins?
The elders now were first generation to be raised and live in pollution, to drink plastic molecules, to inhale and ingest particles from fertilizers and pesticides, to eat micro waved foods. Now let us throw in petroleum products, hydro-genated fats, lots of synthetic hormones and synthetic prescription medications and you have a chemical stew decaying the body!
The Human Filters and Detoxification:
Cleansing The Bowels To Heal The Body:
Next question; what happens 30 minutes after you feed a dog, cat horse or baby?
That is right, a natural bowel movement, one meal in, one meal out. So what happens to the adult human? Chinese philosophy; “Not enough water in the river for the boat to float”, taught by one of my oriental medicine teachers. That proverb is correct, dehydration is the number one cause of death in the elderly and chronic constipation exists in the masses.
Half of our pharmaceuticals are for indigestion! The purple pill was advertised for a year before the commercial told you it was for acid reflux, there is even purple pill.com.
Do You Take Antacids?
What is wrong with this picture? What is acid reflux?
The average 50-year-old white male has 20 pounds of undigested meat products in the bowels! Where is it? There are 3-D diverticulum sacs that develop throughout the 10 feet of large intestines. Those diverticulum sacks can pucker shut just like an anal opening. A camera cannot see inside the sacks. Inside live Wally the worm and his buddies, Vinnie the Virus, Freddy the fungus and Bubba bacteria, setting up house. The Ph of the bowel turns acidic and slowly burns up the body fluids creating mucous and phlegm, which is the environment Wally and his buddies are looking for. The bowel is not eliminating 2-3 times per day so the acid and pressure build causing all kinds of digestion symptoms. The direction of energy flow or “Qi” of the stomach, small and large intestine is descending or down and out.
Acid reflux is the acid bubbling up because it cannot descend, as are the symptoms of hiccups, belching, regurgitation, bad breath and most dental decay. The latest craze is a device to scrape, the phlegm off the tongue! I almost fell off the couch laughing! The phlegm on the tongue is a big red flag that food is fermenting in the 22 feet of the GI tract. The Acid is bubbling up and the thick vapor is settling on the tongue. Scraping it off will not solve the problem brewing below.
Cleanse To Heal Philosophy
What about the plaque building up in arteries? If the garbage is building up in the blood stream, what does the main sewage canal look like?
The human body is a filtration system. Every molecule of nutritious food, water and unidentified food products that are ingested must be absorbed thru the mucous membrane of the 12 feet small intestine. Then it travels directly to the liver, the filter for the blood. The clean blood with essential nutrients nourishes and regenerates all organs and tissues. Where does the liver dump the dirty filtered byproducts? The liver has 2 ducts that dump into the small intestine. A 3rd duct dumps into the Gall Bladder. The Liver produces the bile and it is stored in the Gall Bladder, thus the GB is the the bowl for the liver. The gall bladder dumps its by products into the top of the small intestine also.
The top of the small intestine is like grand central train station called the solar plexus, the second largest nerve plexus in the body. There is a lot going on here, the spleen, stomach and pancreas all start digestion and deliver the “food chime” to the small intestine where it will be absorbed into the body. Any other organs involved? Yes.
The Lymphatic system has these little pumps all over the body; they pump one direction, up. The Lymph system cleans out the soft tissues, the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Guess what, it takes cross crawl movement, like walking, for the lymphatic pumps to pump debris up. So the Lymph system is busy cleaning out the by-products of muscular function and injury like; lactic acid, uric acid, prussic and oxalic acid, enema fluid and dead red blood cells. Now lets visit an elderly care center, why does everyone have pitted edema in the lower legs? They is the lymph fluid, the garbage collecting because of lack of movement to pump the lymph glands up!
Where does all this dirty stuff go? Yes, you guessed it, the lymph system pumps and cleanses out the muscles and dumps these by-products into the spleen , a gigantic Lymph Gland. The Spleen has white blood cells to kill any left over, virus, bacterias, parasites, and and and. The dirty parts enter the venous system and into the lymph cistern of the transverse large intestine…and eventually excreted, we hope. If it isn’t excreted, then you get toxic and desperately need to cleanse to heal the bowels so the rest of the body can heal.
The 22 feet from the mouth opening to the seven sphincters muscles of the rectum is the main river of the human body. This is an excretory organ that descends and excretes the toxins and by- products. In nature water descends, from well to spring, to stream, to river, to the sea. Anthroposophic science is the “divine human order” of the body, the laws of nature.
Cleanse Philosophy: The Human Body
Cleansing the human body is found in every culture, cleansing is as old as the hills, Why? The Human Being was a hunter and gatherer, each spring food supplies dwindled; the people knew how to naturally cleanse and de-worm the body.
The Cecum of the Large Intestine is located below the Ilio-cecal value between the small and large intestine, its function is to gather heavy debris and toxins, like an oil filter. The Appendix is a finger shaped organ that produces all the good bacteria. Each spring when the people naturally cleansed, the Cecum was able to dump the accumulation of toxins and debris over the course of a year. Now people can eat Twinkies 24-7, 365 days a year and create, Appendisitis, Appendixosis and then have an Appendectomy because it burst! Cleansing and detoxification are almost a lost knowledge in the land of abundance and convenience.
The appendix is so overloaded it finally fills up, bulges, and then bursts. Appendicitis is Itis (medical term for inflammation) in the Appendix. The suffix “Osis” means sever inflammation, then finally “ectomy”, which means they took out the Appendix.
Having an Appendectomy is now a normal common human experience, but I ask you; is it normal?
The Gall Bladder removal surgery is next in line for common surgeries, why? The Gall Bladder and the pancreas regulate fat and sugar breakdown, much needed organs!
Remember grand central, the solar plexus, where all these above mentioned organs meet at the small intestine; What happens if the main river, the intestines are not descending and eliminating twice a day? The whole excretory system is backed up, including the gall bladder, so the dirty parts of the filtered blood are backed up in the gall bladder and heating up and spasm trying to do its function.
The Gall bladder and Appendix have functions the creator designed. It is possible for a human to have healthy body and keep all the parts thru cleansing.
Windspirit Wellness Retreat specializes in one-week retreats where the person has treatments each day and is given a proven Juice cleanse. Featuring the Hope to Heal, 6-day juice cleanse formulated by the famous Dr. Bernard Jensen, Max Gerson, V.E.Irons and Pavola.
During this cleanse one will experience the body pulling toxins from all the tissues of the body from the teeth to the feet. A whole body cleanse with Dr. Laural Sander.
Hope to Heal, Dr. Laurel

Herrings Law Of Cure:
The Body heals from the top to the bottom, from the inside out and in the reverse order that it arrived at the present state of health.
Windspirit Wellness Retreats: Wellness In The Wallowas

7 Night, 6 Day Wellness Retreat:
Our wellness retreats have been designed for maximum results & personalization. Located in tranquil, Joseph Oregon.