Bodywork Therapy At Windspirit Medicine
Ultimate Full Body Treatment:
Combining bodywork therapy; Deep Tissue Bodywork, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Tui Na spinal alignment, Consultation and Energy Medicine Tracking.
A two-hour full body treatment combining 40 years of experience and all modalities of medicine, East, West, Native and the old sages. On hands bodywork therapy includes massage, deep tissue acupressure, bodywork, acupuncture, Tui Na stretching spinal alignment, cranio-sacral, reflexology and Energy Medicine tracking, Yes, all in one amazing Treatment!
Learn why they call Laurel, “Hurts so good” and “Poke-n-Haunt us”. Her magic hands will tap into memory banks and unravel old injuries and lengthen the whole body restoring flow of the meridians, blood and lymph system.
Learn to breathe and meditate during this treatment to release the pattens in the subconscious that are holding the structure out of balance. Then take a journey with a guided meditation while the Theta Brain wave energy of acupuncture balances the “Qi” in the body and strengthens the new pattern.
2 hours – $225
Foot Reflexology & Ionic Detox Foot Bath:
An extensive, thorough, 90 minute Reflexology treatment working on 7200 nerve endings in each foot. The feet are an exact replica of the body, the foot is shaped like the spine. The foot is like a hologram of the entire body. Kick back in the lazy boy chair during this one hour massage, deep tissue acupressure, hammers, gua sha and de-crystalizing of each precious foot.
Did you know the feet die first? Extract the foot fungus and toe nail rot with the Ionic Detox Foot Bath. This 30 minute Treatment will amaze the eyes and enlighten the mind as the detox bath water changes from crystal clear spring water to thick dark shades of disgusting matter pulled from the lymph system out your feet. Feel like dancing lately? With rejuvenated happy feet the floor is yours!
1.5 Hours $125
Oriental Facial Rejuvenation & Acupuncture Facelift:
An organic herbal cloth mask is applied to the face first as warm moist professional steam and ozone mist the face and soak the herbs into the skin. Then tiny acupuncture needles are used on the face, relaxing the muscles and opening the meridians, blood and lymph flow. Then you are laid down flat, wrapped in a cozy blanket, and given a 30 minute facial using massage, gua sha, cupping and jade roller to rejuvenate the face! Divine results. You will love how you look after this bodywork therapy!
We use all organic Nefeli Products, Laurel was trained by Ping Zhang PhD, the leader in facial rejuvenation.
1 hour $100
Hand Reflexology & Ionic Detox Bath:
Each Hand has 7200 nerve endings to the upper body, neck and head.
Hand Reflexology is deep acupressure to stimulate the nerve endings, therefore opening the nerve pathway to the body. Hammers and gua sha tools are skillfully used to break the crystals that are forming from deposits of uric and lactic acid. Massage is used to pump the lymph system up and decrease edema. After the 1 hour bodywork therapy, the hands are soaked in the Ionic Detox Bath which pulls out the toxins and congestion out the skin. Hand Reflexology brings great relief.
1.5 hours $125
Fabulous Foot-N-Face Combo:
Combine The Foot Reflexology and Ionic Detox Foot Bath Treatment with the Oriental Facial Rejuvenation & Acupuncture Facelift. This bodywork therapy is divine from head to toe!
2 hours $200
Hot Stone Full Bodywork Therapy:
This full body massage is performed with hot stones, hammers and elbows using full length long efflerage and rolfing strokes, starting at the feet and pushing the lymph system up, draining the muscles of toxins. The hot stones allow the person to relax into the pressure and allow the muscles to melt and release tension. Ahhhhh!
Recommended anytime, especially on the last day of the Hope to Heal Cleanse. This treatment is a slice of heaven! Then take a journey with a guided meditation while the Theta Brain wave energy of acupuncture balances the “Qi” in the body.
2 Hours $225
Hydro San Colonic Hydro-Therapy:
The Hydro San Therapy is a state of the art FDA approved Hydro-Therapy Machine. This age old water therapy is a safe, gentle, process that re-hydrates and cleanses the colon with warm filtered water.
The large intestine, which is 8-10 feet long, is cleansed of mucus and debris. This ancient gravity water treatment hydrates the membrane walls restoring muscular health, called peristalsis and allows and promotes tissue regeneration.
We use bio-degradable disposable speculums. Visceral massage is performed to loosen the layers of de-hydrated matter that is stuck to the walls. This decayed matter is the perfect petri dish for Vinnie the Virus, Wally the Worm and Bubba the Bacteria to set up house.
Did you know that the human is to have 2 bowel movements a day & over half of all prescription drugs are for indigestion! Knowledge is power & we are passionate about educating the patient as well as healing the digestive symptoms.
1 Hour $125
Here are websites for your education.
Salt Glow Scrub & Herbal Wrap:
The skin is the largest organ in the body, an excretory organ that loves to breathe. A combination of sea salt, almond oil and cornmeal is used to exfoliate the skin by massaging the whole body with kneading massage strokes, scrubbing the skin of old cells and callouses; followed by a hot shower to rinse off using fine essential oil soaps.
Then lying face up, the body is wrapped like an enchilada in 100% linen sheets and towels that have been soaked in a Hydrocollator with a variety of herbs for detoxing and rejuvenating the skin.
With pillows under the knees and neck, a cool cloth on the head you sip from a straw on cool lemon water while Laurel works on the neck, face and head for complete bodywork.
1 Hour $125
Lymph Drainage, Massage & Steamy Wonder Tent:
Modern science combined with Royal Rife’s original work in the 30’s brings us the new technology of Sonic Wave light frequencies used in Lymph Drainage Therapy. There are 500 Lymph glands in the body that pump one direction, up. The head has 20 0lymph glands, All 700 lymph glands, meet at the collar bone carrying the garbage out of the muscle tissues. This includes the external bowel muscle and heart, as the intestines and heart are muscles.
The glass tubes emit sound frequencies that give a warm pulsing sensation as they stroke the skin along the Lymph pathways. The tubes will stick where the lymph system is congested, as the waves move and drain the congested fluid the patient can also feel the difference. The body will feel lighter and more flexible. The results are truly amazing. We love this treatment and so will you!
This massage is very soft, gentle, rythmical circles along the lymph system which lies on the inside of all the limbs, along the spine, chest and draining the head. Followed by the “Steamy Wonder” tent, the tent is placed over the massage table, while hot steam and Essential Oils are pumped into the tent allowing the body to instantly dump the toxins by sweating out the largest organ, the skin.
Did you know the skin is 30% of our bodyweight? This is a fabulous cellulite treatment.
1.5 Hour $150
Auricular / Ear Diagnosis and Treatment:
Auricular means the Ear in Anatomy. The Ear is a hologram of the whole body and literally looks like an upside down baby or an ultrasound of a baby.
Auricular Medicine is an excellent diagnostic tool thru the 435 nerves endings in the ear that correlate to the whole body. The Auricular MRI machine is able to uncover any acute or chronic problems by also examining the 165 proven acupuncture points on the Ear that are directly associated to the body. Hand manipulation and massage create an invigorating treatment that can be felt instantly. Ear Seeds replace acupuncture needles in this remarkable state of the art Auricular treatment.
The seeds are placed on the ear where the nerves of the Ear correlate to the injury or disease part in the body, then the patient can continue to massage the seeds for a few days stimulating the nerve to the injured or diseased area of the body. Ear Bleeding is used in severe inflammation like cancer and lupus. Auricular massage is a fantastic anti-aging tool!
1 hour $100
Ear Candling /Head and Sinus Drainage:
An wonderful treatment for improvement of the symptoms of sinusitis, ear ringing, scratchy ears and loss of hearing. This delightful scalp and head treatment helps drain the 200 lymph glands in the skull. Ear Candling gives improved balance and clears breathing pathways.
Did you know your head is hollow from the eyes down, made of 5 cavaties that filter the pollution. In Chinese Medicine the Kidney system opens into the ear. Special long narrow hollow candles are used, one end is tapered to fit into the ear opening, the other end is lit on fire, which creates basic physics, a vacuum. The heat dissolves excess wax and the vacuum effect pulls the excess out of the ear.
We use 2-3 candles per ear while doing gentle lymph drainage on the shoulder, neck, ear, scalp and sinus cavities. This is such a nurturing, quiet and soothing treatment that most people go to sleep.
1 Hour $100
Shamanic Energy Medicine Treatment:
We focus on the physical using several bodywork therapy modalities but your Biography is your Biology! Energy Medicine is Universal, Indigenous tribes use the same techniques to “Track the Threads of Emotion and Cleanse the Chakras” promotes healing of the Luminous Body combusting old emotional wounds.
Learn how to Journey and follow the breath to clear the subconscious of any emotional vibration from a trauma, injury or event.
2 Hours $225
Laurel graduated from The Healing the Light Body Program and has been practicing for two decades, taught by the leader in Energy Medicine, Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. From the Medicine People of Peru, the original Inkas.
Please go to for education about Energy Medicine. Bruce Lipton Phd Biologist teaches our “Genes Do Nothing!” We are our Biology of our Beliefs”. We believe Education not Medication!
Life Guide – 3 sessions 1.25 hours each:
3 Sessions (1.25 Hours each) $350
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